Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Girls' Trip to LA

Earlier this month, my aunt, my sister and I took a little girl time out and headed to Los Angeles. We celebrated a special birthday for my aunt.

We had grand time and I learned some things about myself on the trip:

1. I love to travel, but I hate flying. I used to love flying back in the good old "vintage" days of flying. When the stewardesses were glamorous, the pilots were like superheroes, and they gave you buttery pretzels and shiny silver wings. These days it's all like, "Sit down, shut up, or we will put you out on the wing!" 

2. I love Southern California. Bleached blonde, vegan, Botox, hot yoga, high colonics and all. 

3. I love to eat. And since we need to eat to stay alive it's good. Eating is life giving.  Midnight runs to In and Out Burger is life giving. Eating 6 chocolate covered strawberries for breakfast is life giving. 

4. I love the Pacific Ocean minus the water. There are creatures with large mandibles in that water. 

5. I love to snore and wake myself up. It's a new hobby for me. My sister did not care for my new hobby. 

6. I love the beds at the Hilton. They are crazy comfy and contribute to my snoring      hobby. 

7. I love to pack clothes that I won't wear on vacation. My gold snake skin jeans just didn't seem appropriate for hiking or the beach or hiking on the beach, even when I paired them with a beach friendly tank top. 

8. I love driving. 101 to the 405 to the 110. To the tick-tock ya don't stop. 

9. I love people watching. I knew this about myself already, but LA people watching is something extra special. I mean where else can you see Marilyn Monroe cuss somebody out for taking her picture without paying for it? 

10. I love our families' hair. My aunt, my sister, and I combined have enough hair to: make 1000 toupees, stuff 455 pillows, and/or perform a complete musical with hairography. 

Girls trips are the best!



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