Thursday, February 28, 2013

I'm Not Horsing Around

Every Thursday, I take our middle monkey girl to her writing class out in the country.  The two youngest monkeys join us on the journey.  Little Monkey loves to explore outside while his monkey sister and I do math facts, diagram sentences, read about the social habits of bees, and all kinds of other second grade stuff.

I love watching that little person build imaginary camp fires and talk to imaginary friends.  He calls our van the "camper bus" and invites us to "roast marshmallows" with him.

Last Thursday, Little Monkey had a horsey friend visit his campsite.  Little Monkey offered Horsey Boy some marshmallows and they had quite a long conversation.

 I am not quite sure what they said to each other, but it looked serious.

Then, Little Monkey told me that we needed to make room in the camper bus for Horsey Boy.  He said that horse was coming home with us.  They had it all worked out.  We would keep Horsey Boy in the backyard during the day and in his room at night.  He would build a fence so that horse would not eat his toys.  He would feed him carrots.

It took some convincing and consoling before Little Monkey realized that horses live at farms, not houses and that they do not ride in vans.

Then being the clever monkey that he is, Little Monkey decided that if he could not bring Horsey Boy home, he would bring Brown Dog home instead.  And thus ensued another session of convincing and consoling.  Ahh, life with monkeys...




  1. Reading this story reminded me of Mark when he was younger. I don't think I've ever met anyone with the imagination of Mark. I would tell your mother that he needed to be a writer when he grew up because I was always so amazed with the imaginary games he would play with Pierce in your Dad's pool. Sounds like imaginary genius runs in the . Miss you guys and hope to see you soon. Pam Hall

  2. Your right Pam. He still has that imagination!
