Friday, November 18, 2011

Maybe You Can Fly a Jet, Maybe You Are a Vet..Are You Genetically Wired for a Certain Career?

This monkey is an aspiring fire-fighter and a bonafide mess-maker.

When you were a child, did you know what you wanted to do when you grew up?  Were you set on being a doctor, a lawyer, a deep-sea diver, a mom, a dad, or a race car driver?  Did your parents or other significant adults in your life model a career that you found fascinating?  Was your favorite uncle an Army engineer?  Was your mom a horticulturalist?  Were your grandparents restaurant owners? Did your dad write a book? Was your older brother a history teacher?

A fairy princess and a pirate!

What field are you working in today?  Is it your dream job?  Or are you just making a paycheck? 

Recently, I read review on a book that explores how some people are more genetically pre-disposed to being entrepreneurs.  Interesting!

As I pondered genetics and careers and such, I found that a lot of the interests that my parents and grandparents have, are my interests too.  My grandfather loved biology and anatomy.  He was a medic in the Army.  My mom has a heart of compassion for children with special needs.  She and my dad were foster parents to many children and adopted two boys with special needs during my high school and college years. My grandmother was a teacher's aid for over twenty years.  

And me?  Well, I started my career as a Speech and Language Pathologist working with people with special needs, and now I am mom of six monkeys, who I have home-schooled for the past 11 years.

Who knows what the future holds?  I heard a rumor that my third cousin, twice removed was a performer in the circus.

Oh, and did I mention that my great-aunt raised monkeys?  Coincidence?  I think not!

And this guy?  Heaven knows....



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