Monday, July 1, 2013

A Tornado, A Tantrum, and A Grammar Lesson

The pilot just announced that we are in a holding pattern for the next 60 minutes before we can land.

Apparently, a tornado touched down at the airport we were scheduled to land at. Yikes!

While we are circling and bouncing (bleh), I am listening to the coolest podcast called Grammar Girl - Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing. Awesome stuff like:

Who versus whom, further versus farther, and the ever-elusive affect versus effect.

Our pilot, who was informed by the air traffic controller, announced that inclement weather would affect our descent, and thus necessitate the need for us to travel farther.

When the pilot announced this unfortunate turn of events to the passengers, the effect was sobering.

A child, who was seated in the back of the plane, displayed a very unhappy affect during the holding pattern.

The parents, to who the child belonged, were also negatively affected by the effects of the delay in landing (i.e. the child's loud wailing).

The bouncing of the airplane, further added to the child's distress, which prompted the child to display the effects of further distress (e.g. more wailing, screaming, screeching and gnashing of teeth).

Who was affected by the turbulent effect?

The child.

To whom was the child complaining?

All the passengers on the airplane and the universe in general.

I hope that this grammar lesson has affected you in a positive way and furthered your knowledge. Or is it farthered?

Confused yet? Me too?

I am pleased to report that the child, who was full of angst, is now soothed by the effects of a lolly pop or two, or twelve.

Just to clarify, it wasn't the monkey, who belongs to us (this time).



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