Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Yep, It's One of Those Pictures

You know, the one that everyone takes at the beach, ski lift, Amazon Rain Forest, or any other destination that they want the world to know that they have been to.  The one with their just their feet in the foreground and some extraordinary scenery in the background. Yep, this picture is one of those. 

The monkeys in Madison Square Park watching the taxis zoom by and wondering if we might need to discuss that we don't repeat any of the four letter words that we heard being shouted out by the taxi drivers above the beeping horns.  Too bad the horns didn't bleep out those lovely words.

We told the kids that they would hear a lot of different languages in the city.  Spanish, Russian, French, Chinese, and now we can add Potty Mouth.

Hibiscus and Lantana in the city



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